ВАКАНСІЇ: Customer account manager (English)
(вакансія від 29.08.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Зарплата: 35000 грн., $900-$1000
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 1 року
Освіта: вища

- Fluent English skills. Both spoken and written.
- Excellent email and phone etiquette.
- Curious and self starter personality.
- Tech savvy and good experience using apps and web.

Work conditions:
- Work remotely 40 hours per week.
- Hours are 9am-5pm GMT-5
- United States and Ukrainian holidays observed.
- Salary paid in US Dollars wired monthly through payment service

- Support customers using our software. Help them get set up and train them on the features of the system. Answer questions from customers by phone and email using our CRM system.
- Review customer data and help them with data integration from their database into our database.
- Troubleshoot issues an help come up with solutions to customer problems.
- Document solutions and common questions into our knowledge base.

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