ВАКАНСІЇ: Junior Operations support specialist (aviation-project)
(вакансія від 03.09.2024)
Регіон: Львів
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 1 року
Освіта: незакінчена вища

Required Skills
- Fluent English language.
- Excellent communication skills & phone manner.
- Ability to work within a team.
- Critical thinking, prioritisation skills.
- Computer proficiency.
- Self-motivation, time-keeping.
- Organizational skills, decision making.
- Attention to details.
- Willingness to work within a departmental 24×7 shift pattern.
- Working & communicating under pressure.
- Fluent knowledge of German, French or any other European language is a plus.
- Experience of working and living abroad (Europe, USA) is beneficial as well, or general Geography background or interest (may be tested).
- Previous experience in one or more of the following fields: Telephone Support, Aviation, Logistics, Administration.
- A mindset directed at preemptive problem solving, pro-active decisions.

Key Responsibilities
- Supporting our flight planning customers in real-time, in relation to software use issues, features, bug identification.
- Logging and follow-up of issues using relevant company internal management & IT systems.
- Assisting users in filing and managing flight plans as required.
- Assisting customers in the use of the RocketRoute Marketplace platform, a Business Aviation service ordering portal.

We Offer
The RocketRoute Operations Department
By filling this position we are looking for a person who is used to working in a team, yet can also perform autonomously. Everything we do, we do with passion and the same is expected from you. This position involves communication via phone and email with the customers, as well as interdepartmental cooperation.
The Operations Support Specialist role is an entry-level position. You will be a full team member, however, your assignments when working will be administratively based. You should be comfortable with this premise, and understand that other team members may be engaged in more complex tasks.
The working schedule is based around a roster. The successful applicant is required to work within a 24hr shift pattern. However, at manager’s discretion, we may choose to favour something close to ‘office hours', as this is when the majority of the workload is. The roster is issued in advance, with patterns set as much as possible. All applicants must be able and willing to work a shift pattern.
Due to the nature of shift work, a special agreement is in place whereby over the total course of a year, the total working hours for this position are less than a ‘non-shift work' role. This is in recognition of the impact of shift work. More details may be given at the interview.
How to Apply
If you share our passion for Aviation please send your CVs in English with the salary expectations indicated.
Please be aware that by sharing your profile or CV with us all the personal data included in your CV/profile becomes available to RocketRoute for processing. To monitor and manage your personal data under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)please contact [см. контактную информацию ниже]. All the requests are processed within 72 hours.
We appreciate if you include the following statement your application/CV: «I hereby give consent for my personal data included in the resume to be processed for the purposes of recruitment under the General Data Protection Regulation».

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