ВАКАНСІЇ: Sales Manager (B2B)
(вакансія від 30.08.2024)
Регіон: Івано-Франківськ
Зарплата: 60000 грн., *the main part is?%
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: готові взяти без досвіду

?Hi, Friend!
Develop your sales career with us! Join a successful team of experts. ?
?DSN GROUP company is an international distributor of sports nutrition and vitamins.
We started from the Ukrainian market and during 8 years became one of the sales leaders on the international market.
Now we have more than 1,000 B2B clients in more than 60 countries: Europe, Asia, Middle East, USA, which confirms the authority and trust of DSN GROUP in the international arena.
Due to the expansion, we are looking for a cool Sales Manager with knowledge of English!?
?We will be glad to see in our team a person who:
- English level at least B2;
- Self-confident;
- Result-oriented;
- It will be cool if you have previous experience in sales.

?Tasks that will face you:
- Find new partners around the world (cold calls);
- Connection with new clients and present the company and brand we’re working with;
- Establishing long-term relationships with the customers;
- Preparation of individual commercial offers;
- Control of payments and deliveries.

?With us you will get:
- Work in Global company;
- Comfortable office in the city center;
- Competitive salary;
- Opportunity to significantly influence your income;
- Many opportunities for professional growth: corporate library, internal and external trainings, paying for your self education and many other benefits;
- Full training and mentoring at the beginning of work.

Interesting? Then take a step to meet us and send your CV!
Or write me in Telegram @Nelia_2901

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