ВАКАНСІЇ: Junior Python developer (cloud backend)
(вакансія від 18.11.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Зарплата: 18713 грн., Will increase compensation over time
Вид зайнятості: неповна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 2 років

Junior Python developer working on a travel technology backend cloud stack. Requires asynchronous Python experience.
- You will work on an tech-driven travel platform, which allows users to find and book the cheapest multi-modal multi-destination weekends trips in a personalized way.
- Offered position is ideal for a Junior-level developer or Computer Science student with at least 1.5 years of Python experience, who prefers to work closely with an experienced developer / leader that will guide and help him through the development tasks.
- Used tools and technology stack of the startup: GitLab for CI / CD, async Python interfacing with MongoDB and Redis in a containerized Google cloud backend, and Ionic / Angular together with Google Firebase for a hybrid / PWA frontend / website (this position is for the backend, thus no frontend experience required).
- Development work will be broken down into smaller tasks in advance (each task taking maximum a few days), and the candidate will be able to work them off without much urgent deadlines. All tasks and related code will be tracked, collaborated on and committed through GitLab.
- Position is online-only (can be worked on online from home / anywhere), flexible, and on a part-time contract-basis (initially between 15 to 25 hours per week, only later on up to 40 hours per week).
- Monthly compensation range between $400 and $1000 depending on relevant experience (based on 40 hours per week). Note: Working 20 hours per week means half the compensation! Will increase compensation over time.
- All development and communication will be carried out in English. The required level of English is B1/B2; the preferred level is C1.

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