ВАКАНСІЇ: System Administrator C#, Databases
(вакансія від 12.11.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 1 року

We are a data driven media company which develops own technologies to enables our team to execute on business processes with highest technological standard.
The top-level goal is to build the most efficient bid optimization software on the market for Amazon PPC and create highly efficient business processes which minimize errors.
For this purpose, we are searching for an experienced software developer who can support our team.
Your Tasks:
- Working on Amazon Advertising API, data mining and visualization
- Process data with our algorithms and data bases
- Merge data and run algorithms and update data records
- Maintenance of existing databases, mailing systems, it administration
- Develop new software automation processes
- Technical Documentation

Your background and experience that makes you a good fit for this job:
- Relevant experience in Computer Science, Maths, Stats, or a related area
- Excellence with C#
- Proficiency in using query languages such as SQL or Postgres
- Good applied statistics skills, such as distributions, statistical testing, regression, etc.
- Experience in data scraping, database architecture

Our current used Systems
- Digitalocean VPS with Ubuntu as prod servers
- Git as source system
- Teamcity as CI/CD

All things below integrated through c#
- Postgres as database
- Minio as file storage
- Consul as configuration store
- Vault as secrets store
- Google sheets and google sheet Api for creating reports
- Amazon Advertising Api for interaction with Amazon
- Gmail + gmass + google sheet for mass mailing
- Scraper Api as round robin proxy
- Telegram bot for sending alarms and events

Why should you join our Team? We offer:
- A competitive salary
- Working in Remote
- A highly professional and international team
- A solid business model with over 5 years existing without any external financing

Why join?
- A talented, growing team
- Competitive compensation package
- High level of responsibility and space to develop
- Flexible working hours
- An international team of highly experienced people from top tier companies

IMPORTANT: Please provide us a CV with a short letter of intent.

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МЕТОДОЛОГІЯ: Стратегія, Маркетинг, Зміни, Фінанси, Персонал, Якість, IT
АКТУАЛЬНО: Новини, Події, Тренди, Інсайти, Інтерв'ю, Рецензії, Бізнес-навчання, Консалтинг
СЕРВІСИ: Бізнес-книги, Робота, Форуми, Глосарій, Цитати, Рейтинги, Статті партнерів
ПРОЄКТИ: Блог, Відео, Візія, Візіонери, Бізнес-проза, Бізнес-гумор

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