ВАКАНСІЇ: Диспетчер (зі знанням англійської мови)
(вакансія від 25.11.2024)
Регіон: Київ
Зарплата: 60000 грн.
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 1 року

Dispatcher operator
Who we are?
- A family-owned and operated transportation company. With more than 16 years we develop a premier supply chain service for our drivers and customers.
- Company looking for experienced dispatcher in the US market to manage urgent situations and keep business on track.

What we can offer you:
- Office work hours in the city center (no remote position), 5 shifts a week for 8 hours.
- Friendly open work space with fresh coffee, hot tea and cookies guranteed.
- clear salary, paid sickdays and vacations.

What we need from our candidates:
- At least 6 month of experience in the US logistics market.
- Experienced in the food grade products transportation, refregirated loads, able to work in crm system, loadboards (dat, coyote), excel, and gmail.
- Good verbal communication skills.
- Decision making abilities.

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