ВАКАНСІЇ: Drupal developer
(вакансія від 03.09.2024)
Регіон: Луцьк
Зарплата: 50000 грн., $ 1000-5200, depending on skills and experience
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 1 року

Who are we looking for?
You are the biggest Drupal fan we know. You are contagiously enthusiastic and you never stop learning. You already have experience as a web developer in a web agency. You strive to deliver high-quality projects, on time and within budget.
Experience in Drupal 9/10 is of great importance. You are excellent with PHP, OOP, SQL & JavaScript. And can dive into version control systems like Git with a big smile!
Bonus points
Do you actively participate in the Drupal Community? Then be sure to let us know :)
- following best practices to write well-tested, high-performing code;
- implementing new features and functionality;
- ensuring high performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of Drupal;
- TeamTechLeading;
- responsibility for products architecture.

We offer:
- competitive compensation depending on experience and skills;
- regular performance review and individual career path;
- sick leave and regular vacation;
- compensation for self-development like English class, gym sessions, etc;
- you get great and experienced colleagues for free!
- challenging full-time job
- flexible working hours policy for a good work-life balance, because we find that extremely important!
- good working conditions: new-built office, cozy chairs, coffee & cookies, hookah area.

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МЕТОДОЛОГІЯ: Стратегія, Маркетинг, Зміни, Фінанси, Персонал, Якість, IT
АКТУАЛЬНО: Новини, Події, Тренди, Інсайти, Інтерв'ю, Рецензії, Бізнес-навчання, Консалтинг
СЕРВІСИ: Бізнес-книги, Робота, Форуми, Глосарій, Цитати, Рейтинги, Статті партнерів
ПРОЄКТИ: Блог, Відео, Візія, Візіонери, Бізнес-проза, Бізнес-гумор

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