ВАКАНСІЇ: 3D-дизайнер (Archviz)
(вакансія від 26.11.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Зарплата: відкриті до ваших пропозицій.
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 5 років
Освіта: незакінчена вища

Вимоги: Hi! We are an ARCHVIZ company, with a great level of high-end visualization services on the market. We are looking for a PROFESSIONAL specialist with at least 3 years of experience to join our company on a full-time or freelance base. And ready to start from the next week.
Умови роботи: We need you to be a team player feel free to share your files with the team members as projects are done in a team. We don’t work over weekends, but need you to be very responsible so being in contact is required.
- We need you to know 3DS Max 2023−24 + Corona render like a pro! Because the projects that we do are pretty challenging with complicated designs and unique material setups.
- Knowing Photoshop is a must
- Also, texturing & modeling skills are required.
- A good eye for architectural technical details and a photorealistic approach are also needed.
- basic knowledge of + Itoo software (forest pack, rail clone)

Please send us your portfolio, with your price range, how much you charge for your services, or what salary you’re looking for.
Looking forward to it,

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