ВАКАНСІЇ: Head of sales department (USA, California)
(вакансія від 04.09.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Зарплата: 60000 грн., (1,500-4,000 USD)
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 2 років
Освіта: вища

MUSK Construction is a home improvement and construction company providing high quality end-to-end residential renovation services in the San Francisco Bay Area (Silicon Valley) in California, USA. Our company has been operating on the market for more than 7 years.
We provide our customers with turnkey repair solutions. We have an official license as a general contractor in the USA. Furthermore, we often do projects for employees of Tesla, Apple, Facebook, Netflix and other large companies. We have standardized production processes and introduced a convenient task accounting system.
Due to the active development of the company, we invite you to join our team as the Head of Sales Department
- Fluent English (C1-C2)
- remote work, 9:00 AM — 6:00 PM (CALIFORNIA Pacific Time)
- More than 2-year experience in Sales (Using English).
- Experience in building remote and local sales departments from scratch;
- Understanding of the specifics of the interior and repair industry (desire to develop in it);

- Building and managing an effective sales department;
- Training remote and local salespeople and increasing their efficiency;
- Setting and achieving sales targets;
- Filling and managing CRM according to company rules and regulations

We offer:
- Full-time employment
- Readiness to work at night according to Kyiv time from 19:00—4:00 or CALIFORNIA Pacific Time 9:00 AM — 6:00 PM
- Financial motivation based on the volume of sales for the month;
- Expected salary from $1,500 — $4,000 (base salary (depending from experience, plus bonuses for achieving a certain volume of sales);
- Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
- Payments are made 2 times a month by bank transfer, without delay.
- Career promotion opportunity.
- Fully Remote work from anywhere
- Improving your own competencies through various tasks.
- A clear and transparent system of motivation.

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