ВАКАНСІЇ: Full Stack PHP, JavaScript Engineer
(вакансія від 13.11.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 5 років
Освіта: вища

We are looking for a passionate Full-Stack Software Engineer with extensive experience in PHP and JavaScript who loves engineering and the product creation process. You will be responsible for developing new functionality, integrating different systems, optimizing and modernizing the existing codebase.
The ideal candidate has experience in:
- PHP 7.0 — 8.3, multiple frameworks and libs;
- JavaScript from vanilla JS to React/Angular and ES14;
- HTML, CSS, SCSS, post-processing, build systems;
- relational databases, DB schema, and query optimization;
- Linux, docker, CI/DI, bash;
- software engineering principles, architecture patterns, application scalability, low latency, and system availability;
- experience with cloud platforms such as AWS or Azure;
- problem-solving skills;
- communication and collaboration skills.

You will be responsible for:
- develop, architect, and maintain SaaS using PHP and its frameworks;
- implement frontend using JavaScript (from vanilla JS and jQuery to modern libs and frameworks), HTML, SCSS;
- create and maintain RESTful APIs (SaaS and Proxy-APIs);
- design and optimize database interactions (PostgreSQL, AWS DynamoDB);
- write clean, testable, efficient, and maintainable code;
- test and debug your code to ensure the reliability and performance of the applications;
- collaborate closely with founders and services to understand our customers/users deeply.

- university degree (non-courses/academies; only technical university education);
- minimum 5+ years of real experience (non «freelance» no gaps, ONLY respect years after a university degree);
- your years in IT don’t guarantee your seniority;
- the slope of your learning is MORE important than your total years in IT, but don’t kid yourself;
- this job vacancy is not for newcomers/juniors/entry/majority-mid level, one framework developer, and ONLY for product development folks.

The position is ONLY for Ukraine citizens. We don’t consider outsourcing, out-staffing, freelancing, or man-in-middle schemes; we only hire in Core Team as Core Team Members.
Join us for a fabulous adventure!

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