(вакансія від 24.02.2025)
Регіон: Київ
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 2 років
Освіта: вища

CBRE Ukraine (EXPANDIA LLC), a part of CBRE Affiliate Network, the world largest brand providing services in commercial real estate, which features among the 500 top worldwide companies according to Fortune 500, is prepared to offer a job to Lawyer
Candidate Specification:
- Analytical thinking
- Higher education in Law
- 1−2 years of experience in legal support of companies
- Practical skills of transactions support
- Statutory documents drafting skill
- Command of spoken and written English (upper-intermediate or higher level)
- Knowledge of office applications: Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Teams
- Hight level of self-discipline, priorities management skill
- Diligence, proactivity, sense of humor

We offer:
- Official employment according to the labor legislation of Ukraine
- Competitive, timely and sustainable salary, benefit plan
- Training, professional and personal enhancement
- Corporate cell communications
- Medical insurance
- Interesting and dynamic experience in friendly environment

Basic responsibilities:
- Monitoring international legislation on personal data protection
- Drafting policies and procedures, memoranda, notes, consultations, letters, etc. regarding personal data protection in the English language
- Delivery of verbal and written consultations, carrying out trainings on personal data protection for CBRE companies' employees
- Legal support of the company’s routine activities
- Provision of advice on the company’s risks mitigation
- KYC verification of counterparties (clients and suppliers)
- Drafting of contracts with clients, contractors, other counterparties
- Drafting of business correspondence, documents, other instruments during the company’s business activity
- Claims work, preparation of legal reasoning in litigation/arbitration/mediation process
- Preparation of written consultations in civil, commercial, administrative, tax, labor, intellectual property
- Monitoring of legislation in effect, preparation of summaries, notices, etc.
- Government, local authorities, bank relations, etc.
- Counterparties relations

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