ВАКАНСІЇ: Security and Safety Coordinator
(вакансія від 30.08.2024)
Регіон: Миколаїв
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 5 років
Освіта: вища

Будь ласка, надсилайте свої резюме: Security and Safety Coordinator /Mykolaiv/ | Mercy Corps Ukraine (ultipro.com)
About Mercy Corps
Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible.
Essential Responsibilities
Safeguarding Responsibilities
- Actively learns about safeguarding and integrates it into their work, including safeguarding risks and mitigations related to their area of work.
- Practices the values of Mercy Corps including respecting the dignity and well-being of participants and fellow team members.
- Encourages openness and communication in their team; encourages team members to submit reports if they have any concerns using reporting mechanisms e.g., Integrity Hotline and other options.

Security Management:
- Take responsibility for the security management of the assigned geographic area under the supervision of the line management.
- Ensure implementation of Mercy Corps global and Ukraine’s minimum safety and security standards applicable to the geographic area.
- Monitor adherence to Mercy Corps Ukraine Response security management procedures.
- Conduct security risk assessments, including visits to operational areas of interest such as offices, accommodation, storage, distribution, and training sites.
- The primary area of responsibility for this post will be the South of Ukraine (including but not limited to Mykolayiv, Kherson and Odesa oblasts)
- Analyze the context and developments related to the security situation, including ongoing risk assessments (including joint risk assessments with applicable team members).
- Develop, implement, and disseminate the Local Security Management Plan, area-specific Contingency Plans, and area-specific mitigation and prevention measures (as required by risk assessments) under the supervision of the line management.
- Be prepared to respond and deploy on ad-hoc security trips with short notice to support incident management.
- Proactively monitor the security management system and provide recommendations for changes or improvements.
- Proofread translations of area-specific security documents.

Training & Orientations:
- Deliver Security and Safety briefings to MCUA staff and visitors.
- Organize Security and Safety training for MCUA staff in accordance with the Training Program.
- Conduct and coordinate in-house training and awareness sessions for MCUA staff as necessary and in accordance with the Training Program.
- Identify external providers of Security and Safety-related trainings available in the area of responsibility and liaise with them when needed.
- Suggest changes to the Training Program as needed.
- Inform staff in the area of responsibility about abrupt changes in the context in accordance with MCUA established procedures.

Liaison with local stakeholders:
- Establish and maintain effective communication with security staff from other INGOs and NGOs in the same area of responsibility, building a network of contacts, and increasing awareness of security practices used by other organizations.
- Communicate with military and law enforcement representatives in the area of operation during field trips to ensure MCUA’s access.
- Ensure MCUA is well connected and actively participates in relevant interagency and security coordination mechanisms in the area of responsibility, attending INGO and other interagency security coordination meetings.
- Represent Mercy Corps at external security meetings.

Staff movement security:
- Approve staff movement in accordance with the MCUA established procedures.
- Track staff movement in the area of responsibility in accordance with the MCUA established procedures.
- Work with operations to track staff location and account for staff in the area of responsibility.
- Report violations of security and safety procedures and rules by the MCUA staff or visitors.
- Coordinate with all Mercy Corps departments to facilitate safe access to the high-risk locations for Program staff.

Report and manage incidents:
- Serve as the primary focal point for incident reporting in the area of responsibility.
- Ensure all security and safety incidents have been filed and reported.
- Coordinate efforts to respond to incidents in the area of responsibility.

Office Safety/Security Equipment Management:
- Responsible for ordering, tracking, checking, and issuing security equipment, including regular quality and maintenance checks.
- Perform regular assessments of the MCUA premises, including the office, guest house, and other areas, and identify necessary safety measures.
- Ensure appropriate access control to the MCUA premises.
- Conduct basic office safety drills as required by minimum standards.
- Originate procurement of security equipment in accordance with MCUA standards.
- Contribute to the Security Team budgeting process.

Team Coordination:
- Share best practices within the Security Team. Attend weekly team meetings and actively share lessons learned and needs.
- Coordinate with, report to, and seek approvals from the Security and Safety Manager as required for specific tasks.
- Proactively seek personal professional improvement opportunities and discuss the personal improvement plan with the Line Manager.
- Coordinate and lead the area management team on security-related subjects.

Other tasks:
- Replace other Security Team members as required.
- Other tasks assigned by Line Manager.

Minimum Qualification & Transferable Skills
- Solid experience in security and safety management in humanitarian sector in Ukraine.
- More than 3 years of management/coordination experience in either humanitarian or private sector.
- Working level of English.
- Fluency in Ukrainian.
- HEAT, Mine Awareness, First Aid trainings (or equivalents) completed.
- Knowledge of humanitarian principle
- Effective communication skills: able to work in person and remotely with geographically dispersed tea
- BA/BS or equivalent in the relevant field; MA/S

Qualifications Desired:
- Working experience in law enforcement sector.
- Security Management certification.
- Analytical skills.
- Certified First Aid trainer.
- Proven knowledge and working experience in the southern region of Ukraine.

Additional Qualifications & Transferable Skills:

Professional and Approachable Demeanor:
- Demonstrates a professional and approachable demeanor in interactions with colleagues, stakeholders, and beneficiaries.

Problem-solving and Bureaucratic Skills:
- Possesses strong problem-solving abilities to navigate bureaucratic hurdles and facilitate program activities for Mercy Corps throughout the region.

Ability to Work Under Pressure:
- Thrives in high-pressure situations and can effectively manage tasks and meet tight deadlines.

Diplomatic Approach:
- Adheres to Mercy Corps protocols on representation and reporting, demonstrating diplomacy in all interactions.

Independence and Initiative:
- Capable of working independently, taking initiative, and demonstrating proactive behavior.

Good Organizational Skills:
- Exhibits excellent organizational skills, ensuring efficient management of tasks and responsibilities.

Cultural Sensitivity:
- Works effectively with an ethnically diverse team in a sensitive environment, demonstrating cultural sensitivity and inclusivity.

Teamwork and Leadership:
- Demonstrates the ability to work collaboratively within a team, while respectfully following instructions from leadership.

Success Factors
The successful Security and Safety Coordinator will be a trustworthy professional who demonstrates confidentiality, non-judgmental behavior, and earns the trust of the team. They possess a solid understanding of programming modalities and align security and safety practices accordingly. An effective team player, they collaborate closely with the Operations team, Crisis Analytics, and other departments, fostering teamwork and cooperation. Their strong decision-making skills enable them to efficiently manage the daily go/no-go process, ensuring timely and informed decisions. Adaptable in rapidly changing contexts, they play a key role in the Security Risk Assessment process, demonstrating flexibility. With a commitment to humanitarian principles, they show a genuine interest in program objectives beyond traditional military or law enforcement experience. The incumbent excels in communication, both written and verbal, conveying information clearly and concisely.
Safeguarding & Ethics
Mercy Corps is committed to ensuring that all individuals we come into contact with through our work, whether team members, community members, program participants or others, are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to the core principles regarding prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse laid out by the UN Secretary General and IASC and have signed on to the Interagency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. By applying for this role an applicant confirms that they have not previously violated an employer’s sexual misconduct, sexual exploitation and abuse, child safeguarding or trafficking policy. We will not tolerate child abuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment by or of our team members. As part of our commitment to a safe and inclusive work environment, team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, respect local laws and customs, and to adhere to Mercy Corps Code of Conduct Policies and values at all times. Team members are required to complete mandatory Code of Conduct eLearning courses upon hire and on an annual basis.
As an applicant, if you witness or experience any form of sexual misconduct during the recruitment process, please report this to Mercy Corps Integrity Hotline ([см. контактную информацию ниже]).
Тільки попередньо відібрані кандидати будуть запрошені на співбесіду.
Ласкаво запрошуємо осіб з інвалідністю та ветеранів відгукнутись на цю посаду.
Mercy Corpsстворило робоче місце для працевлаштування осіб з інвалідністю та ветеранів, та належні умови праці для цієї вакансії, але це не обмежує коло осіб, які можуть подаватись на цю вакансію.

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