ВАКАНСІЇ: Dispatcher, logistics coordinator
(вакансія від 30.08.2024)
Регіон: Львів
Зарплата: 40000 грн.
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: готові взяти без досвіду

US based trucking company with over 4 years of experience and a fleet of more than 190 trucks is seeking for a young and ambitious people to join our team.
- strong knowledge of English (B2);
- ability to work with PC, MS Office, etc;
- strong communicative skills;
- self-organization, responsibility and strong sense of determination.

- communication with clients and carriers over the phone and e-mail;
- negotiations and deal arrangements;
- filling few excel sheets;
- control of electronic workflow, making of reports.

We offer:
- competitive salary;
- official employment;
- comfortable office in modern business center and young and friendly stuff;
- ability to work from home few days a week.

Sheldule 5/2 14:30 — 00:00 or leave earlier if job is done

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