ВАКАНСІЇ: Managing director
(вакансія від 01.09.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Зарплата: 61000 грн.
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 2 років
Освіта: вища

Managing Director for Online Sports Academy (vsaworld.com)
Location: Remote
Working Days: 6 days a week (8−9 hours daily; mostly evenings, we’re based in the USA). Availability: Must always be reachable by phone and have reliable internet access.
- Lead and manage a remote team effectively.
- Oversee hiring, training, and management of team members.
- Ensure smooth internal processes and operations.
- Drive sales and meet business targets.
- Actively engage with and utilize social media for business growth.
- Handle stress and maintain performance under pressure.

- Fluent English speaker.
- Previous experience in a managerial role.
- Strong resistance to stress.
- Active on social media.
- Proven ability to drive sales and achieve targets.

Compensation (once a month in USD directly to your bank account):
- Trial Period: 1 month at 50% of the monthly payment.
- Full Payment: Starting from the 2nd month at 100% payment.

If you’re driven, resilient, and ready to lead a dynamic team in a fast-paced environment, we’d love to hear from you! Send your resume to Telegram: @V_02_07_2022

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