ВАКАНСІЇ: Game Designer
(вакансія від 03.09.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 1 року

- Collaborate closely with a team of programmers and designers to ensure smooth communication and project execution;
- Lead and manage projects through all development stages, from initial concept to final release;
- Create the necessary documentation to effectively communicate your ideas and requirements to the team;
- Analyze and optimize game mechanics and economy;
- Refine and enhance core game mechanics to elevate the overall feel and playability;
- Work hand-in-hand with level designers to fine-tune gameplay variables, ensuring engaging gameplay.

- Ability to define technical tasks briefly and precisely;
- Clarity in presenting ideas and efficiency in communicating with colleagues;
- In-depth understanding of the mid-core and hybrid-casual mobile game market, with a strong interest in analyzing industry trends;
- Strong analytical skills for solving complex problems;
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Preferred qualifications include:
- Basic programming skills;
- Hands-on experience with Unity 3D;
- Experience in prototyping, and developing personal projects;
- Strong mathematical aptitude.

- Remote work;
- Friendly and professional team;
- Opportunity to bring your creative ideas to life;
- Opportunities for professional and career growth;
- Paid vacations and public holidays;
- Flexibility to adjust working hours and days as needed;
- Regular salary reviews;
- English speaking club.

To consider your application, we require you to send your CV via this website. Qualified candidates will be asked to go through an interview. Looking forward to meeting you!

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