ВАКАНСІЇ: Python Developer (Data Engineering for Financial project)
(вакансія від 03.09.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 2 років

Python Developer & Data Engineering for Financial project.
Experience 3+ years working on commercial projects in fintech preferable.
We are looking for experienced Python with data engineering skills., understanding data and can work with formulas, quick and easy fix issues and find problems
Transform excel formulas to SQL and python code link with JSON external data inputs and visualize data. Create marketplace features etc.
Available right away to high work load. Please send your application with the most complex projects was done by you with Python or in Data engineering, If its Financial sector will be an advantage. Please include in application your expectation for one month high load work.

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