ВАКАНСІЇ: Sales representative (B2B)
(вакансія від 21.12.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Зарплата: 125000 грн., $1100 per month +% of the sale amount
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 5 років
Освіта: вища

- Experience in B2B sales of at least 3 years is mandatory
- Excellent knowledge of the English language
- Good communication skills
- Knowledge of B2B telephone sales technology
- Customer relationship management analytics and problem solving
- Presentation skills
- Leadership and teamwork
- Adaptation to various necessary programs
- Managed and maintained long-term relationships with clients
- Analyzed the client’s needs and provided individual solutions
- Coordinates between departments to ensure timely project completion.
- Organized and conducted presentations for potential and existing clients
- Processed internal documentation and tables of structured data
- Conducted regular customer support calls to discuss current issues in English

The American company is opening three vacancies for the front office
- Development of a base of only our regular customers in the USA
- Contacts by phone, outgoing calls to the territory of the USA (we provide a free phone number)
- Knowledge of working with the CRM (ZOHO) program is mandatory
- Knowledge of working with LinkedIn is mandatory
- Active B2B sales
- Sale of building materials of own production
- Production facilities are located in the USA

Working conditions:
- Remote work from home
- Working day from 15:00 to 23:00 Kyiv time
- A corporate email, phone and access to the online CRM program (ZOHO) are provided
- Continuous support from our headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida
- We must spend three months training on the specifics of products and the competitive environment
- One-month trial period
- The salary for a permanent position is $1,000 for each month worked + a 3% bonus (for monthly sales up to $30,000) and a 5% bonus (for monthly sales over $31,000)
- Payments are accrued and paid out every two Sundays
- The typical salary for this position is $36,000 to $60,000 per year
- For employees who have worked in our company for 3 years or more, we provide assistance in obtaining a United States Permanent Resident Card
- Corporate sites:
- https://www.royalfoam.us ;
- https://www.royalfoam.shop ;
- http://www.productcatalogroyalfoam.info/mobile/index.html

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