ВАКАНСІЇ: Digital Marketing Specialist
(вакансія від 22.10.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Зарплата: 100000 грн.
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 2 років
Освіта: вища

- At least 4 years of international experience
- Fluent English
- Experience with the US market is preferred

Work conditions:
- Full time, 9 AM — 6 PM EST
- Remote

- Develop and implement digital marketing strategies aligning with the company’s goals.
- Conduct market research, understand the target audience, and identify marketing and growth opportunities.
- Create and execute campaigns across various digital channels, like email, social media, and paid advertising.
- Measure and analyze campaigns' success using data and analytics tools.
- Lead meetings and explain the campaign details with key performance metrics (KPIs).
- Understand how ad creative elements perform for each unique advertising goal (traffic, conversions, and engagement).
- Track and analyze primary metrics, revenue and paid ad initiatives weekly and monthly.
- Experiment and implement innovative digital marketing strategies, tools and best practices to improve ROAS consistently.
- Stay up-to-date with digital marketing trends and new technologies and make recommendations for how the company can stay ahead of the curve.
- Support, and supervise network partners' with content development and social media channels maintaining.
- ?Maximize consumer engagement with marketing content.
- ?Share insights on competitor marketing content.
- Develop the company’s marketing and branding presence throughout all channels.
- Encourage collaboration to unify marketing output.
- Widen the company’s marketing reach.
- ?Collaborate across teams to determine and solve campaign objectives.
- Monitor digital engagement metrics.
- ?Promote company offerings to reach new audiences.
- Research market trends and developments relevant to campaign subject matter.
- Aid with the visual design of promotional materials.

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МЕТОДОЛОГІЯ: Стратегія, Маркетинг, Зміни, Фінанси, Персонал, Якість, IT
АКТУАЛЬНО: Новини, Події, Тренди, Інсайти, Інтерв'ю, Рецензії, Бізнес-навчання, Консалтинг
СЕРВІСИ: Бізнес-книги, Робота, Форуми, Глосарій, Цитати, Рейтинги, Статті партнерів
ПРОЄКТИ: Блог, Відео, Візія, Візіонери, Бізнес-проза, Бізнес-гумор

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