ВАКАНСІЇ: People Partner
(вакансія від 25.11.2024)
Регіон: Київ
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 1 року
Освіта: вища

Required skills:
- Proven experience as HR People Partner (1−3 years)
- Strong knowledge of HR principles, practices, and local labor laws.
- Experience in conducting 1:1 meetings, driving performance management, and leading internal programs.
- Excellent communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills.
- Ability to build strong relationships at all levels of the organization.
- Proactive, adaptable, and able to thrive in a fast-paced environment.
- Data-driven with strong analytical skills to drive decision-making.
- Upper Intermediate English.

Scope of work:
- Conduct On and Off boarding cycle for employees.
- Conduct regular 1:1 meetings with employees to understand their needs, address concerns, and provide feedback.
- Prepare detailed reports based on these 1:1s to Mangers and propose engagement strategies.
- Act as a trusted partner to managers on all HR matters and provide guidance and coaching to managers.
- Support the business in developing, and retaining talent. Work on career development, and performance management processes.
- Drive the performance management process by working with leaders to set objectives, provide feedback, and ensure regular reviews are conducted to improve employee performance.
- Lead internal people-focused initiatives, including the Mentorship Program, to support employee development and knowledge sharing.
- Take part in HR initiatives related to organizational change, culture, and leadership development. Provide guidance on navigating through business transformations.
- Promote employee engagement initiatives that align with company culture.
- Help in conducting employee surveys, analyze feedback, and recommend improvements.

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МЕТОДОЛОГІЯ: Стратегія, Маркетинг, Зміни, Фінанси, Персонал, Якість, IT
АКТУАЛЬНО: Новини, Події, Тренди, Інсайти, Інтерв'ю, Рецензії, Бізнес-навчання, Консалтинг
СЕРВІСИ: Бізнес-книги, Робота, Форуми, Глосарій, Цитати, Рейтинги, Статті партнерів
ПРОЄКТИ: Блог, Відео, Візія, Візіонери, Бізнес-проза, Бізнес-гумор

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