ВАКАНСІЇ: Director of Program Quality, Evidence and Learning
(вакансія від 28.02.2025)
Регіон: Київ
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 5 років
Освіта: вища

Будь ласка, надсилайте свої резюме: Program Quality, Evidence & Learning (QEL) Director | Mercy Corps Ukraine
The Position
The Program Quality, Evidence and Learning (QEL) Director oversees the teams and work streams supporting strong program delivery and quality across Mercy Corps by integrating context-driven best practices, technical approaches, quality standards, and accountability mechanisms.
Main Responsibilities
Strategy and Vision
- Develop and lead on compelling Program Quality, Evidence and Learning strategic directions that reflects Mercy Corps Ukraine’s Country Strategy FY24−26 and that aligns with P2P, Global and Regional MENAE strategies.
- Use the recently developed Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) to deliver on key objectives and targets that pertain to Program Quality, Evidence and Learning, and contribute to other workstreams as needed.
- Ensure the QEL unit of Mercy Corps Ukraine is cohesive and efficient, well and appropriately staffed, that team members are clear on the unit’s mandate and priorities and new team members well onboarded as needed.
- Serve as a key partner to the DoP to ensure QEL workstreams, initiatives and priorities are integrated across all programs and to ensure proper coordination across all programs.
- Collaborate and coordinate with Regional and Global TRaQ and E&L teams, ensuring Ukraine participation in TRaQ and E&L-led work streams while requesting necessary support when needed.
- Contribute to Mercy Corps Ukraine’s impact delivery through the QEL teams, mandate and priorities.
- Contribute to the achievements of other organizational commitments whenever possible (climate smart; innovative and creative; evidence-driven, locally-led; safe, diverse and inclusive).

Program Performance & Quality (Program Management Support, Program Standards, including Monitoring & Evaluation and Learning (MEL), Community Accountability/CARM and Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI))
- Lead in establishing efficient program quality systems, processes and tools across Mercy Ukraine’s program portfolio.
- Champions and provides tangible technical support and guidance to Program Leads around Mercy Corps' Program Management Policy and its associated minimum standards to ensure that the teams are driving transformational impact through executing programs that are of the highest quality.
- Support Program Leads and teams with the implementation of the Program Management (PM@MC) Policy, procedures and standards (inclusive of PM, CARM, MEL, GESI in Program Management, Cash Transfer/Goods Distribution Programs, and Infrastructure), overseeing efforts to conduct gap analysis, develop action plans, contextualize and continuously.
- Oversee efforts to ensure that all programs in Ukraine adopt and use recommended program filing structures to improve record retention, documentation management, standards adherence, and information sharing.
- Support the DoP in effective collaboration between program teams (grants/new business, program implementation and QEL teams) to ensure utmost program quality and that program standards are being met.
- Support the overall program cycle — from identification and design, kick-off to close-out — to drive strong evidence-based program design, promote program adaptation throughout implementation, ensuring programs are performing and of high-quality, and that evidence and learning are generated throughout the program lifetime.
- Work closely with Regional TRaQ team as needed to ensure necessary program quality gaps are being identified and supported in a timely manner.
- Support the Monitoring and Evaluation (MEL) teams for all MEL-related functions with a strong focus on in all quality assurance processes in the country (including but not limited to the MSR and TolaData).
- Support the development of sector guidance and lead MEL Teams in developing corresponding MEL frameworks in accordance with the overall country strategy.
- Support the Community Accountability Reporting Mechanism (CARM) teams for all-CARM related functions, ensuring sound and efficient systems are in place across all programs and that CARM data are reviewed regularly for program adaptation.
- Ensure that an appropriate CARM is in place for all programs, and that results are utilized for implementation improvements and overall learning.
- Support the CARM teams in the expansion to the larger accountability framework when starting globally.
- Support the GESI team in leading the roll-out of Gender, Diversity and Inclusion as a priority area for Mercy Corps Ukraine’s programs and ensuring GESI minimum standards are being met.

Evidence Generation & Learning (MEL, Research, and collaboration with other evidence-generation teams)
- Lead on Mercy Corps Ukraine’s Evidence-Driven commitment and support the development of an evidence and learning vision in Ukraine in collaboration with the Regional Evidence and Learning Unit and other evidence generation teams, contributing to a culture change in elevating the importance of evidence and learning at large to improve programs, scale what works and influence others.
- Coordinate with Regional ELU to develop or support the development key evidence and learning priorities for Mercy Corps Ukraine at country and/or program level, in line with Mercy Corps Ukraine’s Country Strategy and in alignment with Global and MENAE Evidence and Learning Agenda (ELA).
- Develop and/or integrate new knowledge management systems to improve the processing, analysis and utilization of data and evidence generated across programs.
- Coordinate and collaborate with the Mercy Corps Ukraine and Regional Crisis Analysis teams to include CA work when relevant and applicable to the broader Mercy Corps Ukraine evidence and learning priorities and/or framework.
- Coordinate and collaborate with Mercy Corps Ukraine/Regional TRaQ/Technical teams to include technical assessments and other relevant outputs when relevant and applicable to the broader Mercy Corps Ukraine evidence and learning priorities and/or framework.
- Support program teams at business development stage to ensure all new programs are designed based on evidence.
- Support program teams at inception stage to promote the development of key learning and/or research questions in collaboration with technical experts in-country, regionally or globally.
- Lead the development of processes to support program teams in integrating cross-program learning and ensure that lessons learned are used to inform adaptation of activities and future program design, with a particular focus on the use of quantitative and qualitative data for adaptive management and design.
- Lead efforts to develop and resource strategic local and regional partnerships to advance Mercy Corps Ukraine evidence and learning strategic directions and influence, such a research firms, academics, analysis agencies, data processing organizations etc.,

Team Management
- Supervise and manage all QEL team members and ensure their work is aligned and contributing effectively to the QEL team’s strategic directions.
- Create and sustain a safe, diverse and inclusive work environment of mutual respect where team members strive to grow, learn and achieve excellence.
- Promote accountability, communicate expectations and provide constructive feedback via regular performance reviews.
- Provide team members with information, tools and other resources to improve performance and reach objectives, including capacity strengthening as needed.

Representation and Coordination
- Coordinate internally with other teams in the country, regionally and globally to ensure the successful delivery of the QEL mandate.
- Collaborate closely with regional Evidence and Learning and TRaQ team for all needed technical support.
- Lead efforts in sharing best practices with the broader humanitarian and development community in Ukraine when it pertains to evidence and learning and program quality.
- Contribute to Mercy Corps Ukraine being seen as a thought leader in key technical areas relevant to Mercy Corps Ukraine’s portfolio.
- Represent Mercy Corps in external coordination and donor meetings, as required.

Minimum Qualification & Transferable Skills
- Bachelor’s degree required. Masters or equivalent in a field related to Humanitarian or International Development or relevant fields is preferred.
- At least 7 years' experience providing coordination or management support to program implementation.
- Experience working in Ukraine.
- Proven ability to work cooperatively with internal and external stakeholders, and to play a leadership role in convening groups. Astute skills in relationship building and coordination.
- Extensive experience with program quality, monitoring and evaluation, evidence and learning, research, information management in P2P related technical areas.
- Willingness and ability to travel frequently to Mercy Corps program sites and field locations, including traveling to insecure environments, is required.
- Excellent listening communication and interpersonal, communication and networking skills; and the ability to work with diversified populations.
- Excellent presentation skills and capacity to deliver and facilitate training and capacity strengthening interventions.
- Analytical, problem solver, with strong experience and understanding of project cycle management and coordination.
- High level of self-awareness and self-development with the maturity to deal with constructive feedback.
- The willingness and ability to adapt leadership and management style as appropriate.
- Experience of conducting research, drafting and presenting reports to varied audiences.
- Fluency in written and verbal Ukrainian and English is required.

Тільки попередньо відібрані кандидати будуть запрошені на співбесіду.
Ласкаво запрошуємо осіб з інвалідністю та ветеранів відгукнутись на цю посаду.
Mercy Corps створило робоче місце для працевлаштування осіб з інвалідністю та ветеранів, та належні умови праці для цієї вакансії, але це не обмежує коло осіб, які можуть подаватись на цю вакансію.

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