ВАКАНСІЇ: HR Operations Intern
(вакансія від 18.11.2024)
Регіон: Київ
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: готові взяти без досвіду
Освіта: вища

We’re looking for a detail-oriented HR Operations Intern with a strong desire to learn, and a proactive approach to join our team! You will streamline HR processes by managing and organizing people’s data within relational databases. Your primary focus will be on ensuring our HR information is accurate and up-to-date, as well as supporting onboarding, offboarding, and other data-driven aspects of the Railswarian’s lifecycle.
If you’re passionate, confident, and data-driven, this position is a good fit for you. We offer a flexible work schedule and a supportive environment for learning and personal growth.
This position is Kyiv-based and requires commitment of 30+ hours per week.
This is an intern position for 3 months. Standard Railsware benefits do not apply.
- Skilled in handling both qualitative and quantitative data
- Ability to maintain large data sets
- Keen attention to details
- Exceptional accuracy and precision
- Excellent computer literacy (Airtable, GDocs, GSheets, Google Forms, etc.)
- Fluent in English (both writing and speaking)
- Fast-learning ability
- Proactiveness and self-motivation
- Team-orientation with strong collaboration skills

Буде плюсом:
- Background or education in Finance, Economics, Math, Data Analytics, or any other subject that requires data-driven, quantitative, and critical thinking skills
- Basic understanding of relational databases

- Ensure that all HR information is up-to-date and accurate
- Organize and manage data using various databases
- Transform documents into a digital format
- Support onboarding and offboarding processes
- Contribute to the smooth running and optimization of various HR operations
- Collaborate with Legal and Finance teams
- Assist with data processing for other operational tasks

Ми пропонуємо
?‍? Railsware Handbook: railsware.com/handbook
? We offer flexible hours
? Get competitive compensation
? Our offices are equipped with modern ergonomic chairs and standing desks
? In Ukraine, we collaborate through Diia.City

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МЕТОДОЛОГІЯ: Стратегія, Маркетинг, Зміни, Фінанси, Персонал, Якість, IT
АКТУАЛЬНО: Новини, Події, Тренди, Інсайти, Інтерв'ю, Рецензії, Бізнес-навчання, Консалтинг
СЕРВІСИ: Бізнес-книги, Робота, Форуми, Глосарій, Цитати, Рейтинги, Статті партнерів
ПРОЄКТИ: Блог, Відео, Візія, Візіонери, Бізнес-проза, Бізнес-гумор

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