(вакансія від 07.01.2025)
Регіон: Одеса
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 5 років
Освіта: вища

Chief Operating Officer COO
Our group of companies are growing at the moment, and we need to strengthen our Organization. We need an experienced manager, that can lead our administration team while we grow. (excluding Financial Department, which our CFO handles)
Areas of expertise include, but are not limited to:
- Updating our ISO9001−2015 System
- Updating our ISO37001 and UN 17 sustainable development goals.

Management of our real estate portfolio. Especially with focus on searching for objects to buy:
- Office in Odesa for rent out, to clients we have waiting.
- Apartments in Kyiv for rent out, to clients we have waiting.
- Meetings in Kyiv with clients, to evaluate real estate before buying.
- Due Diligence before purchases.
- Participate in HR management of our staff that works from home.
- Help HR with job interviews etc.
- Key account management for our clients in Engineering.
- Keep sales on track, by follow the sales team in Streak, conduct meetings, and follow up on their progress.
- We expect the COO from time to time to take part in meetings with clients in Germany, Poland, Portugal, Denmark and Norway. As such, the COO must be able to travel freely in and out of Ukraine.
- We administer DUBC — Danish Ukrainian Business Chamber on behalf of the largest Danish Industrial Organization (DI). Many of the companies which are part of DI plans to make subsidiaries in Ukraine, to allow their Ukrainian daughter companies to do business with Government etc. As such we will administrate these Daughter Companies on behalf of their Danish owners. This includes all needed procedures to keep the companies in compliance with Ukrainian law, accounting and management etc. The COO will help organize this together with our CFO and our Director.
- For a large international company, we are responsible for their activities in Ukraine. This includes a lot of Due Diligence of contracts, land lease agreements etc, which the COO must lead. And from time to time, Site monitoring, in the beginning accompanied by the Director.
- Participation in events in Kyiv and Odesa from time to time.
- Act as translator for our Director in meetings in Ukraine.
- Be responsible for keeping the organization on track, by conducting regular meetings with the team and follow up on these.
- Give deadlines, follow up on these, help staff reach deadline. Be dedicated to keep staff on track to meet deadlines. Report to Director on progress.
- Strong English skills is a must, as the Director of our group speaks neither Ukrainian or Russian. Good skills in German is a plus.

The job is based in our Odesa HQ, where a team of dedicated employees work. As all our customers are from other countries than Ukraine, and the Director and owner is Danish, key focus keys are:
- Honesty
- Focus on reaching deadlines and create results
- Open and transparent organization, where knowledge is shared, and faults is something we learn from.
- Helping each other, and treat everyone equal.
- Have fun and good time together while at work.
- As our CFO says: we are looking for a fairy unicorn!
- Life is good.

The work has a high degree of freedom. You are expected to be self driven, and reach your task. The way you conduct your work you decide yourself, as long as you value a good team work with your colleagues. The director will only focus on you reaching your goals, and that you report if there is problems reaching them.
The working time is flexible, as such it is acceptable to meet as late as 11:00 if there is no meetings in the morning, but we prefer around 9−9:30. Each employee register their time, and are paid based on hours spend working per month.
We estimate the work load for the COO to be around 80 to 100 hours per month. So it is a half time job. However, it can develop to full time, or assitant can be hired depending on desire.
Applications only accepted in English.

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