ВАКАНСІЇ: Team leader
(вакансія від 08.01.2025)
Регіон: Луцьк
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: готові взяти без досвіду

New project, retail online sales! Remote job.
We are looking for a person who is able to effectively coordinate the work of a team of up to 10 people, interact with colleagues from different departments and countries, and also become part of our international team.
Main responsibilities:
- Coordination of teamwork:

planning the team’s work per the daily tasks; monitoring performance; organization matters, planning and providing everything necessary for employees' work; analyzing and improving work processes, minimization/optimization of financial costs;
- Communication and cooperation with heads of various departments and management;
- Documentation: preparing, creating, and maintaining reports for the manager, maintaining/signing internal and external documentation;
- Administrative tasks: team formation, maintaining an atmosphere of cooperation among employees, recruiting personnel if necessary; training new employees; maintaining healthy communication in the team

Candidate requirements:
- Team management experience is highly desirable;
- Fluent English (not less than level c1) writing and conversational skills ;
- Searching information skills;
- Self-learning, stress resistance, willingness to learn;
- Experience with e-commerce (advantage);
- Google sheet experience;
- Experience in Amazon sellercentral and listing products (major advantage).

Skills, abilities, and qualities that we value:
Leadership, politeness, responsibility, organization, communication skills, honesty, creative approach to solving work issues and tasks, analytical thinking, ability to work with difficult issues and find solutions, competent planning, ability to work in a team, and personal time management.
Looking forward to your CV!
Best Wishes,
Eliazon Inc Team

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