ВАКАНСІЇ: Machine Learning Engineer
(вакансія від 17.02.2025)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 2 років
Освіта: вища

- Machine Learning experience from 2 years;
- Practical skills with Python;
- Higher education;
- Technical English (higher level is advantage).

- Employment under gig-contract, all taxes are paid;
- Flexible working hours;
- 28 days of paid vacation + 15 days at your own expense;
- Paid sick leave;
- Medical insurance (with dentistry and optics), including the children;
- Opportunity to become an inventor of international patents with paid bonuses;
- Career and professional growth;
- Own base of courses and trainings;
- Office in the Kyiv city centre / remotely;
- Provision of necessary up-to-date equipment;
- Regular salary review and financial bonuses (up to 100% of the salary);
- Bonuses for wedding, birth of children and other significant events;
- Paid maternity leave;
- Paid lunches, tea, coffee, water, snacks;
- Discounts to company’s products, services.

Please, send your CV via:
E: [см. контактную информацию ниже] / resume[at]itrs.ua
T: t.me/ITRSua
M: (067) 494−7271

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