ВАКАНСІЇ: Farmer (App Store)
(вакансія від 24.02.2025)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Зарплата: 35000 грн.
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 1 року

Farmer (AppStore)
About the role
If you know what App Store Connect is and understand what it takes to make iOS Developer Accounts live happily ever after, read the Job description to the end, feel if you have an internal response, and send your CV!
- Successful experience of 6 months or more in a similar position
- Experience in successful placement of Gambling Mobile Apps in Apple AppStore
- Ability to work with AntiDetect Browsers, Proxies, VPNs
- Ability to negotiate and negotiate on favourable terms
- Understanding of Apple AppStore algorithms and all peculiarities of the full cycle of work with iOS Applications
- Availability of current working ways to launch iOS Applications on Apple AppStore
- Intermediate+ English Level
- Apple Developer Account farming experience (REQUIRED)

Will be plus:
- Availability of own Database iOS Developer Accounts Suppliers
- Basic understanding of the iOS Development process
- Ability to perform manual testing of mobile applications

- Creating iOS Developer Accounts from scratch
- Working with existing iOS Developer Accounts
- Placing new iOS Applications on iOS Developer Accounts
- Interaction with Development Teams and ASO specialists
- Maintaining Accounting and Reporting for all accounts and consumables of the ASO Department

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