ВАКАНСІЇ: Accountant
(вакансія від 05.03.2025)
Регіон: Київ
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 5 років

Required Qualifications:
- Bachelor’s degree in Finance (Economics, Accounting, Banking, or related)
- 3+ year of experience as an accountant
- Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite
- Knowledge of Quikckbooks online
- Experience with FOP (3rd group) -opening, closing, taxes
- Good command of written and spoken English
- Detail oriented, organized
- Able to meet deadline

- Counseling company’s contractors PE (FOP) — opening, support
- Manage PE’s documents
- Work with primary documentation
- Help with reconciling financial records in QBO
- Executing accounting of various simple sections of financial statements
- Assist the Senior Accountant with various tasks, including data entry, financial record
- maintenance, and bookkeeping.
- Provide general support to the finance team with various administrative tasks as needed
- Prepare the non-complex calculation/analysis/assessment
- Perform other duties as assigned

We offer:
- Interesting and challenging tasks.
- Professional growth in a friendly team.
- Flexible working hours.
- Competitive salary.
- Health insurance, perks.

You can learn more about our company here: http://www.nakivo.com

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